xOrisOria News

God bless Greece ! ! !

Technology that can create dark crimes against humanity.

can someone steal your voice by any means even the chatting social on internet and with based this, can create sonic terrorism.

in this way, you can be considered guilty for a…..
terrorist attack.

This can happens in aviation accident cases who you have found that in the season we live in is a major phenomenon.

message to the Zionists, your days are little.

we live in a season of cloning, and everything can be cloned, so it’s not dirty Zionists?

Who is this asshole God who wants to engrave people with the number 666 for their controls, when the true God can oversee all people, without any engraving on the head?

attention to the blue ray holograms who is the organ of the Zionists to make people believe in dirty god of Zionists.

dirty Zionists for their sadomazochistikes trends, they don’t hesitate to have sex with horse penis ..

Africans, Arabs, Persians, Pakistani, Afghans, and other peoples of Asia, cut all ties with Israel, because they are who cook your electronic prison.

God bless Greece.

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